Day 1

Wheelwright to Williamsburg…
Today has been a day filled mostly with beautiful scenery on my journey from Newark, DE, where I spent the first night, to Colonial Williamsburg, VA. My first impressions of the United States are BIG, everything is massive compared to England from the vehicles on the road to the rivers I have crossed and this even extends to the food portions. I think I’m going to weigh a little bit more when I return home!
I arrived yesterday at Philadelphia International Airport to torrential rain, flooding and heavy traffic. Not an ideal situation for reacquainting myself with the ‘wrong’ side of the road, but after a slightly shaky start I soon found my, albeit very wet, feet. After a 40 minute drive to Newark, DE and a Walmart Supercenter, I found myself in a hotel for the night, ready for a good rest before the journey would really begin.
The morning dawned clear and bright (and hot!), much to my delight and I headed off south, excited to reach my first destination, Colonial Williamsburg. Along the way I have started to fall in love with this beautiful country. Passing many miles of corn fields, woodlands and big red barns it is indeed like the movies. Chesapeake Bay and the Potomac River were sights to behold. I was even admiring the American trucks on the road.
Five hours after leaving Newark I arrived at the next hotel, which will be home for the next week. I wandered around the historic quarter this evening, a chance to get to know the area a little before I start ‘work’ tomorrow and it is amazing! A local woman serving in one of the historic taverns informed me of the fact that Colonial Williamsburg is the biggest living museum in the Northern Hemisphere and in true American style it is BIG. Walking the length of the main street took at least 20 minutes (I am only guessing as I was distracted by the many wonderful sights) and there are many side streets yet to explore. It strikes me as a shame that we have nothing of this calibre back in the UK even though our history is so rich and so ancient, I feel that history is taken for granted at home.
After rounding up the night with a pint of Old Stitch Ale at Chowning’s Tavern and a short meander back to the hotel, it’s early to bed for a fresh start in the morning to meet the Wheelwrights of Colonial Williamsburg, something I’m really looking forwards to.