Day 24 – 28

After an interesting visit to Cody I headed west again towards the wild and renowned volcanic caldera of Yellowstone National Park. My trip wouldn’t be complete without visiting the most famous feature of Yellowstone, Old Faithful. A geyser getting it’s name from it’s closely predictable spurting, approximately every hour.


The area within and around the Yellowstone Caldera was stunning, beautiful rivers, forests and hills scattered with the odd bubbling mud pool, steam vent or geyser. A magical and fascinating place in and around the Caldera of a dormant volcano, I was lucky to have passed through such a place and I would definitely recommend to visit.


After leaving Yellowstone I had a vast distance to cross to my next possible visit in Idaho. I decided to break my journey up with a stopover for a couple of nights (and I was ready for a bit of time out by this point). I had never imagined the travelling and visits could use up so much energy! I work reasonably hard for a living back in the UK, and I presumed this journey would actually be a rest… I was so wrong.


Fortunately I was ahead of schedule so far, making good time across the country, driven by my excitement to see and learn more.

I found a beautiful place in to stay in the mountains, a tiny resort called Lolo Hot Springs… it was a bargain! Situated in a stunning narrow valley, nothing more than a lodge, bar and RV park, this place was paradise for me, isolation and relaxation. The only problem was the lack of Wifi… maybe I should have checked before booking. This of course gave me the chance to go out walking in the wilderness, bear spray strapped on my chest just incase!


After my well earned break I headed into Idaho to hopefully visit another working Wheelwrights shop. Unfortunately the Wheelwright I was hoping to visit was working away. I suppose so far I had been lucky with my timing, meeting more Wheelwrights than I could have hoped.


The fact that I was now days ahead of schedule meant that I could possibly fit some extra visits in around the West coast.

Next stop Washington state and the North West Carriage Museum….