Wheelwright’s Blog

Visiting Wheelwright’s shops, Blacksmiths and museums across the USA and Canada:

Join Master Wheelwright Phill Gregson as he travels around the world, learning new (and old) skills, techniques and materials.

From Gun carriages to car wheels, Phill meets and works with some of Americas top Wheelwrights and Blacksmiths.

Working in Different periods from medieval to modern day, Phill Has a real passion for the history of the wheelwright but understands the need to stay relevant and move with the times.

How did Wheelwrighting adapt to the new world?

How will Phill cope with the vast expanse of the USA and Canada?

Read the blogs and find the story of Worldwide Wheelwright 2014.


Master wheelwright Phill Gregson and Andre De Lisle nailing strakes to traditional wooden canon wheels
Master wheelwright Phill Gregson and Andrew De Lisle nailing strakes to traditional wooden canon wheels
Wheelwright's at the Blacksmiths shop, Colonial Williamsburg
Wheelwrights at the Blacksmiths shop, Colonial Williamsburg